Sunday, August 7, 2011

WARNING: This post contains lotsa snaps! wait for it to load, and enjoy ;D
We arrived back to Abu Dhabi on the 17th of July. It was THEEEEE. best. vacation. EVARrRrRr! okay, let me just start by stating that we are soooo not gom europe lol we went to paris and then london, and I know it seems like a typical 5aleejy vacation, but for us it's not lol I havent been to europe in ages! n7n totally gom amreeka =P this year we decided to change and see what all the fuss is about.. first, we stayed for a week in Paris. let me tell you, it sucked =) paris tlaw3 elchabd! sorry ya3ny but mafeeha shay mool! lo3ah! down town paris = 5mam! shanzelize haly mayteen 3laih, mayswa shbr fe the walk fdbai =/ seriously sho ha? 9dg 3aib 3laihm lol wallah soo not what I expected to see! abadan mb mthl elmovies lool yom y6al3onlk eiffel tower w ma3rf sho.. w9aa5 hnaak >.< ya elahy I'm never going there again! awany knt nawya aseer for my honeymoon =Pp wallah mashaber!! blad w9995a! da5l elburj kla sha5abee6 w araf. chfto kaif in burj 5leefa msaweela like a place mratab downtown 3nd dubai mall yalsa w m6a3m w blad broo7ha hnak?? yeah, it's nothing similar lol eiffel tower is in the middle of the street :) yes che tmr bsayartk w el7aya 7lwa *thumbsdown* w kla f9ob, w shwar3hm fe 9ob ... sharr3 waa7d sayr rad bas! yadob ykafe sayara w7da! wlcoffee shopat ely hnak mmara 3alra9eef =) lw 7ad dazk bs shway et6ee7 3alsahr3! sho halma95ara loool che elblad teeb el'6eej e9ara7a! everything is so clustered w dull! w shwar3hm klha gargara!! ayls flsayara for ten minutes a7s 5ala9 fwady by6la3 i'll throw up! downtown paris was a DISASTER! of course, mb lazm agool shkthr elnas rude :) tkalmhm 7ata may6al3onk they act deaf =o na3am ya3ny! still waiting for the 'best. vacation. ever' part? haha wait it's coming ;P

so the best part about paris is that we stayed in a place outside the 'city' che in the suburbs b3eed 3an elza7ma wl7ashra and the place was breathtaking <333 it's like a compound from barbie land lol all the villas looked like doll houses and everything was so beautiful <3 peace and quiet! amazing view from the balcony seeda 3ala this lake thing =D wayed waaaayed kan 7lo! w kiiiiiiila 3arab =P we thought n7n iktshafna mkan ya3ny a5r shay n7n 6la3na a5r man ya3lam! mara knt yalsa achoof elba6 shway wla y6la3ly wa7d eb wzar w faneela :)! haha

how cute are they

chnha 9oora mn a postcard <3

I wanna be there right nowwww lol

shkthr 7awalt eny az5hm!! loool  lakn fshalt!

wa3oh!! wallah lay'3rkm kaif y6al3ona flaflam w madri kaif.. it's just a big piece of metal in the middle of the street! layhsh wala ynsh! LoL *sho abah ysawe mathalan?* =P la bs wallah 9dg 5ayis tara! loOl

hny awal yom 8ararna ndsh da5l elblad, awany mstansa w yalsa a9awr.. elwanasa didn't last long =|

kna n2ajr bicycles and ride in the most beautiful weather =D dom kano y6l3on wna agoolilhm batm flbait <33 I loved it! the second time saro shopping da5l paris *ana 6ab3an t2adabt I was like never again!* I stayed and cooked lunch loOl

hrees 3ala shakl 3aish :)

The next best thing about paris.... DISNEY LAND! =D a9lan it was the reason why we stopped at paris before london. no need for me to comment, leave you with the pictures *\o/* wOot woOt!!


I will never grow old for disney!

how cool is that? ;P hope you guys are still together loOl


my favorite ride is Space Mountain =B !! flying dumbo is stupid
even though disney matit'3ayar tara, nafs elal3ab mn malyon sna, but still, it's always joyful and heartwarming <3

f3lan! hehe

the paraaaaade!!

goodbye walter! lool off to London! 5athna trraaaiinn =D 9dg sh'3l ajanb =P me like!

two hours w w9alna! it was more comfortable than el6ayara

I fell in love with landan =$ I'm sorry I know that's pathetic lana kl 7ad ygool nafs elshay but honestly now I get it :) I kknooww why they're crazy about it lool I LOVE IT! ana aba astwe mn gom landan :) aba aroo7 landan kl sna!! landan beats amreeka n kicks its asssss!! =Pp

we stayed in a really lovely area, Canary Wharf. '3air 3an bagy landan it's very modern w feeha like new buildings n stuff! aham shay, arabless loOl latgolonly edgware road wala oxford, Allah y5aleekm la2 ya3ny =P big X .. ely yroo7 hnak ykrah landan,, '3air ely mt3amd yseer hnak for certain reasons ya3ny n7n klna fahmeen =P  LoL! anyways, landan feeha shay 'mush wala bud' haha bladhm, 7ashra =/ kl 5ams dgayg tsma3 halwannan mal elshr6a.. literally every 5 minutes, it's on going mayskt!! n the apartment we stayed in 3dalha fire station =) wallah manroom nrgd flail mn elez3aj =/
wallah landan el7ub 5ala9 =$ haha feeha kl shay, shopping w kickass weather <333333 that's all I want from a summer vacation to be happy! oh, and a5eeran srt Harrods lool zaaa7777mmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa omg wallah chna el3mra sta'3ferAllah! mara your shoulders fe chatf ely 3dalk! mb shay =/ chna maze, y'6ay3 lol a7la shay yom madri wain srna level che madri sho ybee3 ice cream w kafy, bs 3ad lw tchofon el3arab ely hnak LoL! I was like waaat the helll!! abadan mb mt3awda achoof 3arab flsfar,, yom kna nseer elstates, kna nmoooot wnshoof wa7d 5aleejy =') n7s bjeemta!! haha lakn fe landan =P wallah tgulon dubai mall!
ana Selfridges maly =B 7agy! bashtreeh 7agy ana bas! hahah n7n iktshafna shay, if you wana shop at these places mn '3air ma you have guys swarming fog rooskm or bump into girls that are way overdressed y3awroon gloobkm, wake up early in the morning and go! fa'6yyyyy lool hal7awash klhm rgood =Pp

hyde park <3 kl 3am wnta el7ob!

wallah elmkan eyanin =$ eljaw bas ykafe! I didn't know eny halkthr bastanas 3ala '7adee8a' loOl but I did <333 waaaayid awwwyad shay!

I'd never want to go anywhere else next summer <3 I used to make fun mn hayaila ely yseroon kl sna w agool ma3ndhm salfa,, but now ana stwait mnhm :) hahah 

can't end the post with no food pics!

turkish restaurant fe nafs elman68a ely skana feeha! you have no idea how GOOD this tastes =P like, unbelievable.. it looks like normal food, but, it's Magical ! .... xp
a7la shay yom na5th eltraaain =o ya5i ana iktshaft eny a7b elsubway! -off topic: wayed iktshaft ashya2 halsafra loool- *only when I find a seat w ayls* haha with my Oyster card 5oozu 3any raja2an B) hahah wayed mb chayfa 5air 9a7? XD 3ala 6ary eltrains, my parents mn elblad they tell us ena hnak el86arat matitraya 7ad, w lazm matitma7mchan w bsr3a w madri sho, so we were really nervous the first time =P after km mara t3awadna n everything was alright, UNTIL once tsakar 3ala w7da elbab!!!! chaan t9ra5 theech el9ar5a =O gloobna 6a7at, mn yomha w n7n feena r3b mn halbeeban xD t2azamna loool

even though wayed stanasna, I still wanted to run back home to Abu Dhabi lol yeah if I could, I would hehe I miss home so much when i'm away. anyways, so this is what I did in the summer... still holiday-ing, this is day 54 of unemployment. still going around handing CVs and getting interviewed *sigh* inshallah 5air..
it's almost s7oor time, gotta run

"في تاريخ 6 أغسطس من عام 1966 استلم المغفور له باذن الله الشيخ زايد بن سلطان ال نهيان مقاليد الحكم في امارة ابوظبي. يوم تغير فيه مستقبل المنطقه للأفضل. لا تنسون الوالد الشيخ زايد بصالح الدعاء"


  1. kent f azfat mood fl dnya w i was like hai 9a7 a tweep elyoom mda7 nitfah's blog so i went to your twitter wl7emdellah 7a9alt el link f ur profile :p

    okay so anyways y3ne i was like okay maybe her blog would make me smile wla shay.. no :) it made me LOL! walla el3a6'eem y3ne abadan ma twa8a3t che a6'7ak mn el5a6er! it's hilarious wayed a7eb kaif tshr7een it's absolutely funny =))

    honestly i loved this post *stalks your blog*

  2. Maryaaaam =D a3arfch 3ala bloggy elmtwa'63! haha
    awwh I'm happy it made you laugh ^^
    7ayach fe ay wagt =P lool

    Thank you =D and always keep smiling!


    First of all, welcome back to mama UAE oo nawarti el7ettah ya princessa :p

    In the beginning I was like "Wesh tha elharj" ??!! Akeed hathi tetma95ar !!!
    Best vacation everrrrrr ??!!! and where on earth?!! In Paris??!!! FAT MAMA SITA !! No effin way in mother earth my brain can accept that :p

    And nen, and nen bedaa el-action, uppaaaaaah. This post really made my night, especially the pa'3ee part hahaha :p

    Be5te9ar Paris 3ala qoolat wa7ed men elma'3arba elli yeshta'3loon fel-ma6ar "ezzzbaaalaaaa" :p
    La shanzlezaih wala Eiffel Tower wala Triumph Arc wala ba6ee5.
    Madri hal-nas kaif mayteen 3ala Pa'3eee kel 9aif m6aye7een hnaak.
    El-Shanzlezaih kan zbaaaalaaaaa elshare3 bkobr ummah we95 o elawe3 elchab6 o el6arareen fe kel da3oos, o elqahar mafeeh faranseyeen lol, 9edq efteqadt The Walk hnak haha X_X
    Elshay elthani elcommunication hnak ma2sa, 7ata el3arab ma yetkelemon 3arabi aw english lol ,, kelhom yetkalemoon french X_X
    Elshay elthaleth elmetro malhom karetha bee2eya o damar shamel l-6abaqat el-ozone :p
    Allah e5ali metro Dubai o Holland trains 9edq lehom wa7sha metwa7sha..
    Enyeee lel-shay el-akbar o elli naf5eenah fe kel mokan elli hoo el Eiffel Tower X_X
    It was only a huge chunk of iron, no more no less, or consider it as a Telecom Tower :p
    Aaaah how we missed Holland when we were there lol :p 7attah kent aqool 7aq rab3i 3adi arja3 Holland al7een o a5areb elschedule malna :p
    Ma 9adaqna meta yaa elyoum el5ames 3ashan n6eer o neftak men hal-deera elchal7a elmal7a.

    I dunno much about London because the last time we went to London I was still a 4-5 years old kid, but I remember that I used to love watching the trains there because it reminds me of my childhood friend Thomas the tank engine :D
    But all what I hear know is that its full of arabs and indians, makoo landaneyeen ya3ni :p
    Allah yethkerk bel-5air ya 7sainoo :p

    Hufff channi sawait za7ma hneeh :p , bas be'3ait abared 7arreti shway 3an Pa'3ee elli naf5eenha fel-media o hee ma teswa shelen.

    Aham shay estanasti el7emdellah 3oqb far7at elta5aroj :D
    Nshoofich fel-7alqat elyaya qa9di elblogat elyaya :p

    Fel-a5eer aqool dam 3ezzich ya blady B)

    Fottkom b3afya..

  4. waaaiii bujwais shino hathaaaa elcomment a6wal 3an elpost =Pp haha


    hahaha I think you type exactly like how you speak a7s i can hear you in my head XD you`re very entertaining chank the male version of me yom tit7ar6am LoL! I demand you create a blogspot account NOW! that's an order mb request, yala achoof =Pp hehe

    aham shay ta2theer paris 3ala 6aba8at elozone! hay elni86ah ana ra7at 3an baly v_v at2asaf mn elmushahdeen! ma3ak 7ag!

    uff wallah 9dg enha chal7a mal7a! i'm surpirsed of the ppl that go there every year too x) musta7eeeeel tho8hum!

    glttlk, landan = dubbaaiii maaaallll!! =P haha

    7ayak fe kl blogaty ;P elblog bloggik afa 3laik

  5. 3a9r el5air,,

    Hatha '3ai'6 men fai'6 bas seniora :p

    HAHAHAHAHAHA @ the male version of me
    7elwaaaaa a7laaaawwwww shay LOOOOL *ROFL*

    Youm sheft Disney Land pics 3awarni qalby 9ara7a,, kent Disney freak ayam elskool haha..
    Yales ashoof Ursula the Octopus o aqool WOOOOH mno hatha/hathee elli beyesta7mel yelbas costume hal-kobor O_O

    Bas 9ara7a hathi a7la 9oora >>>

    Qelt a555 law serna hnak chan ketabna ana o elshella "The Bashawat, June 2011",, t3arfeen ba3ad ma ykafi n7e6 thalath asami 5a9atan ennah men dowal me5talfa :p

    Bas tedreen, 3ejabni fe Pa'3ee shay2ain (3ashan ma a'6lemhom mesakeen hehe :p~) ...
    One is their tuktuk,, hneeh 3ad yebda2 el-action o el-7ashra o elqarqa3a o elwanasa haha XD ,, madry kaif awal ma nerkab eltuktuk kel elli fel-share3 ye6le3oon french, bas youm netmasha mafi ellah el3erban,, oo la yfootich elrayyal youm yemshi ma3a 7ermetah kaif mbawez 3ad o elmadam shaqah el7alj shebrain,, a7esah eqool Walaaaain ana shyayebni hal-deera hathi :p

    Second is "Ra2fat", the one and only egyptian we met fe a7ad dowa3ees elshnzlezaih, 3alaih sowalif te6la3 menha 9owaree5 7ata markabat NASA ma troom too9alha haha :p

    e7m b59oo9 elrequest malich qa9di el-order :p ,, ra7em Allah emre2en 3araf qadr nafsah. Ana wain o el-blogposts wain,, wayhi mob wayh blogposts kellish mellish :p

    Bas wala eyhemich kel ma b'3ait at7ar6am willa abared 7arreti willa atfalsaf willa shay bayee basha5be6 3ala elblog malich hahaha.. men ba3d eznich ya3ni O:)
    Kam niz'3ah 3endna e7na :D

    Baqii sa3a o shway 3ala elfo6oor


  6. hahahahahaa
    inta mu 9ij! muu 99iijjjj!!!

    ursula mb costume Allah yhadak nobody is that big =P it's just a figure mayt7arak loOl

    haha wallah kan wdy a76 esmy ana ba3ad bs mab'3ait abayn nafsy fashla :) lana klhm couples! loool

    ay tuktuk xD raja3tny thalath sneen wara yom knt fe thailand!! haha e9ara7a i ddint see any over there :P fatny!
    I missed ra2fat too bs we met a morrocan lady over there tamat ta36eena free samples of everything in sephora awna lana 3arab mthlha haha

    okaaay ya basha, i'll take that as a promise ;P

    bagy sa3a w shway 3al s7oor! hehe
    deer balak 3ala 7alak ebin 3amy! <<akaml scene bab el7ara ely sawaita


  7. So Beautiful Keep it up xx ya5y shahaeitny Bl Food :p

  8. HAHAHAHAHA @ mu 9iijjj mu 9ijjj
    Shaklah mosalsal Saher El-lail 3amel 3amaylah :p

    Allah esalmech el-tuktuk fe Paris maa kan wayed mentesher, bet7a9leen 2 or 3 max yemkin 3ala elchanzleezaih.
    Lain al7een at-thakar youm kennah ndawer wa7ed qelnalah "Can you take us to ...?" Chan eqoolna "Oooh sorry it's my break time now, but I can take you @ six and a half".. Hneeh 3ad 3ala ma estaw3abna ennah six and a half yeq9ed feeha elsa3a sett o no9, feqa3na men el'9e7ek..
    HAHAHAHAHA aqool ye5reb bait umm eltarjama el7arfia, 7ata el3arab ma yet7adoonha LOOOOL.

    And yeah I went to Sephora, and it was HUGE O_O ,, re7t as2al 3an 3o6oorat Tom Ford elli habeen 3alaiha el3erban o eqooloon buy it from Europe, it's cheaper there o madry shu :p. 6el3aw la cheaper wala shay, nafs else3r o yemkin a'3la ba3ad, la o azeedich fooqhom tax ba3ad ya3ni makoo fayda :p
    Etha qa9 3alaina elshai6an fel-mustaqbal o serna Sephora Paris baseer 3end 9a7ebtich elma'3rebia baqoolha yayech men 6araf Nouf o hee tsallem 3alaich wayed, 3ashan ta36eeni 5oosh se3r :p

    Ba36eech eqtera7 7aq el-blog elyay aw paragraph mennah :p. Shrayech tet7ar6emain 3ala elda3ayat elbay5a fe rama'9an hal-sena loool
    Yenfe3oon 7aq el6naza o fash el5el2 haha :p

    Good night ...

  9. Pearl of Beauty: Thank youuu =D only view my blog 3gb elf6oor i always have food in here haha

    Bu Jwais: OMG! t9adgny lw agoolk that i`m youtubing some of them right now 3ashan a76hm flnew post?
    that's really freaky haha
    now post going live tomorrow =B loOL!

  10. haha 3ashan t3arfeen bas I have eyes and ears everywhere :p

    *WOOOOHOOOO excited to go see the new post* \o/
    Yallah nshoofich hooneek :p

