Friday, May 20, 2011

Did you guys see the royal wedding? of course you did =D haha it was a dreeeeam! chna disney movie <333 and the balcony appearance, oh em geee *gloob fog rasy* it was a fairytale! and I LOVED her dress e9ara7a! wayed wayed elegant eyaniiiiinnn!!!! amoot 3ala laaaaace! I so want to do an abayas inspired by Kate's dress tehee ~! and i hated the fact that people *specially hny* compared her to lady diana.. c'mon ya3ny that was ages ago! we live in a different 3a9r lol plus diana was way younger when she married charles.. che i hated reaction my family w n7n yalseen n6al3 w hm kl maystwe shay they nag and yt7ar6mon how the 'previous' royal wedding was better.. watever! lol sharaaap! oh and one more thing, I hated the broadcasts more than everything! broadcasts from guys about how mwa6nat suck with all the makeup and bla bla
mumkin su2al? mno '6rabkm 3ala 2eedkm?? go,, goo 5tho ajanb =o geez! fko ahly! ely ysma3km ygol kl wa7d al7een david beckham w maytfawat PPFFFFFFT! wallah I hate kaif halsociety pressures women/wives ena lazm ykunoon perfect in every single way! but the guy, la bas ysht'3l, yakl w ynam! mkarsh? brayaa! a9la3? 3aaade! 8aleel adab w dfsh? elrayal may3eeba shay! lakn inty ya bnaya, koony perrrrrrrrfect! *biggest talk to the hand bbm emoticon evAR* waaaii gmt a3g 5ai6 w 5ai6 loool

So bin laden is dead... if you like him, please leave my blog lol ya3ny a person mthla, I dont get how two people can disagree to the fact that he's a shame to mankind! muslims have a bad reputation all over the world because of him! now all of us are considered terror suspects just because of our religion. dont tell me he was trying to yrdlhm el7araka. he killed innocent civilians, children and women bainhm muslmeen ba3ad! all the 7ashra that happened 3alBB with the broadcasts and dp pictures of him =S wtf! he is a disgrace to islam. ana personally did not celebrate his death lana mahma kan hatha mot, but, I just cant help but be satisfied that he's gone. w 7saba 3nd rab el3alameen! some people say wallah 7ata hm y7arbona n blah blah, watever, islam never taught us to kill innocent lives and to spread terror amongst people.
fe nas ygulon that he isn't dead but I don't see why America would keep him alive? lol others say maza5oh in the first place.. then why would they claim they did? If they wanted to sound all gow n everything they couldve done that ages ago! shma3na al7een?! 3ashan el elections?! I don't think so.. it's too big of a lie. and yeah i get that picture of his body that has been spread around is false. but that's no evidence! hay el9oora ma6l3at fla5bar or from any trusted source! it was a forward thru email and bbs =/ dno who edited it! mb amreeka ely m6al3tnha.. and cmon, some say that if they really killed him then why wouldnt they show his body... seriously?! mta mara 6al3o jithat sha59 of that importance on international television? lol it never happened and never will.. it's too graphic and harsh for the viewers! why would they do that? ..

God therez so much to talk about halayaam! 2011 is one eventful year i tell ya! the thing about gcc =| it gets under my skin e9ara7a..ya3ny in my opinion, dwal el5aleej, they are not together just because of political reasons! we're joint together because we're the same! same traditions, same history, same like way of thinking, n7n ahal from ages n ages! 3yal 3am lol I mean, moroccans, we cant even understand what they're saying lol that is if they spoke in arbaic and not french lol it's just weird =/ ana a9lan maknt a3rf ena other countries can join, what is this some kinda club wla sorority house? I have a lot to say but I don't want to get deeply in politics because a9lan che wla che elray mb rayna lol.. and it's truly disgusting how all what men can say about this is,, MA'3RBEYAAAATTT!!
grow up!

I'm graduating in June inshallah and I seriously caaaan NOT waaaiiit!! like i've tried the 'working life' when I did my internship and it's sooo much better than studying lol I had one more course to do after internship (which i'm taking now) and che a7s I went back in time, back to tests and homework =/ like 9'3art! lol it feels weird! I know i only left for like 2 months but it feels like forver hehe I got an offer for a perminant position at the place I was interning at (even tho i totally embarrassed myslef in the internview lol) which i'm very thankful for but  I still want to seek other options.. havent decided where id settle yet bs inshallah 5air..

watch out, next post, cooooookiiiinnngg =B

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