Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I'm writing this post from my cubicle here at work in my third week. Yes I started my internship and it's not as fun as I thought it would be. Maybe becuase I was too excited? or expected really a lot. I know I wanted to work here so bad but now that I'm here, I kinda regret it.Wish I applied somewhere else. First of all, locals are like only 2% of everybody working here, klhm ajanib and too stiff and serious! ya3ny okay I want to handle my work seriously of course but hny O_O mn 9ba7 Allah 5air lain arba3 w 5ams w huma mjableen their computer screens! kla sh'3l fe sh'3l! its frustrating! ya3ny ana 7awalt bs mi5y 3awarny loOl I cant concertrate halkthr constantly. Plus, I've worked in other places for like summer training w halswalf and it was much more 'friendly'. like here a7s its just STRICTLY business. I don't think they know each other outside this building =P aaaahh! yala ma3laih, a9lan time passed by really quickly.. after this week, i've got 5 more weeks to go. Another issue here is the PARKING! doom dooom awagf aaaaaaa5r shay! that lonely spot that nobody wants is always mine -_-' and i'm always on time but still ma7a9l good parking! madri hayaila mn mta ydawmon o_O It's a good thing that my office is like 7 minutes away from home.. maa7lag asha'3l elsong flcar wla ana flbait =Pp my parents get too worried when I leave the house every morning. my dad kinda regrets he let me have my driving license loOol he says galba y3awrah mn kthr may7ateene w mayswa 3laih hallaisan LoL and mom, doesnt nap el'6hr until i'm safely home! haha mt2azmeen agoolkm!

My supervisor mb mdawma elyom (FAKKAH)! I finished the tasks I was assigned n it's just 11:00 AM! I'm so bored I'll kill myself lol that's why I thought i'd update my blog! tell you what i'm up to lately. oh! and another thing I hate is that I feel like they're all too busy for me! kl wa7d in his own little world minding his own business.. agool fe 5a6ry yom ma3ndkm sh'3l for me then why did you accept me as an intern?! even the work they give me, che a7s its useless, like I put 100% effort bs deep down I KNOW that no one is going to benefit from it! they just want to keep me busy doing stuff -_-" you see that sucks! I feel I'm not gaining anything from this..  I never thought i'd say this, but I truly miss uni.. yeah! believe it or not! anaaa miss unii! anaa!! the one who hated it THE MOST! hated every second I spent there! chabdy kanat tloo3 che a7s bazoo3 everytime I wait by the traffic light w achoofha 3ala ymeene =Pp I miss seeing my friends and joking in classes. I miss just sitting there and getting lectured loOl oh well..

Reading this post, I realize that I'm a big girl now! hehe I have a joob, I drive a caaar, I am financialy independant mn zman.. I could like get my own apartment now and move out of my parent's xD *I WISH*


  1. looooooool omg i will come back and tell u in details about my internship, same same u :p bas its 3:15 am and i gotta sleep.
    anyways i lost u on bbm :( add me plz (if u'd like) - pin: 22EFCDAD

  2. LOOOL CUTE CUTE CUTE blog.. You are adorable! I totally enjoyed reading your little bitty entry. Ya hayaty! <3 ;)) I sure do miss being in the Uni, too. : / We don't realize what we got, until it's gone and we find out a little to late. I refuse to grow up, I just refuse. You will go on in your life and think you want more, but then you realize that "that more" was a big mistake. Always be happy with what you have at that moment. :) Well, I can't wait to read more.... Keep up the good entries. I'll be your # one fan..... Happy blogging... <3 BTW, I miss UAE :((((((((((( kiss and hug it for me....

  3. Texan after uae: aww! you're the sweeeetest =D! thanks my dear! and you're totally right! wait for my next entry xD i'll update about my internship, totally lovin it now ;P tehee!
