Monday, December 27, 2010

Today in class, faj2a I thought, mn zman I haven't blogged! so here I am! a lot happened lately but I dont usually post personal stuff online lol that's why I'm always so bubbly on twitter n everything =Pp cuz I only tweet when I'm in a good mood! or when I RANT! which is my favorite thing to do in the whole wide world haha but I'm not always like that trust me! when I really feel bad n down, I just want to be left alone! ma7b everybody feels sorry for me n awww poor noouuff blah blah lool na2ah! go away! lol I'm not saying I'm sad or anything madri just fe baly I say halshay ^^ so anyways, 3 days until 2011! not really a big deal for me.. new yearz dayman boring for me.. I don't do nothing! I'm only a biiittt excited for my birthday which is on the 8th of January! so yah! something to look forward tooo =D.. 7asaito how many times I used "!" ? I just can not not use it =Pp its my full stop and comma and everything loOl

so about chirstmas, that day I tweeted something and I guess its worth ena ykoon fe my blog too: "Every year when it's christmas time, muslims fight with each other and create drama loOl seriously enough! Kl wa7d 3laih mn nafsa!". I mean 9dg, elshay wayed yfashl.. everryyy year therez drama around here in december! 5ala9 ya5i =/ ely yba y7tfl fe w ho muslim braya wly mayba a7sanla w 5ala9! sh3alay mn elnas yom a3rf that i'm right?! wallah klll sna nafs elsalfa! w nothing changes ba3ad lol! and about the christmas trees =).. abadan mb 7lo elshay ely stwa for that guy! all the BC's n everything.. mala da3y! I'm with tolerance w che for other religions w mb mshkla etha we decorate shwaya 3ashanhm.. but, yom elshay yzeed 3an 7ada,, its just not,, cool lol ya3ny elmafroo'6 manoo9al ledarajat ena nsawe world record fe halshay w7na dawla muslma! w fog kl hatha hm y7arbona 3ala el7ijab fe bladhm! you know what's funny? ena by doing kl hal7ashra, n7n nbayn like chana we're saying please 7ibona =Pp n7n nmoot 3laikm tara loOl it's actually sad.. ana che I look at it! la w fog kl hatha 6a7o feena ba3ad! *mtfashla*
I can't wait for the SHAYTARDS christmas video =$ tehee!

anyyyhoooooo! mareed ad5l fe politics w religion 3ashan I don't end up wara elshams =Pp knt aba asawe haul of what I got from dubai yesterday but it's 12:39 AM right now w wayed mt3ayza eny a9awr w I edit w uploaadd =x so next post inshallah! plus next post ba76 new year's resolution =B just cuz everybody else is doing it haha

Today I went to my cousin's and they were yshwoon crabs! believe it or not, awal mara fe 7ayate I try em! they're RrRrrRrRreally good! like wayed! loOl yummm <33

Good night y'all! *yawwn*


  1. keeeep updating .. following you :D
    very interesting posts noonah <3

  2. 7abeebty *hugs* thanks! will doooo =D !!
