Ramadan is almost over. for the past 20 days I wasn't enjoying it very much, it was very slowww n boring n not like kl sna. but, now that it's ending I kinda feel blue lol I just started enjoying it and I don't want it to end now. I know i'll miss it that's for sure! el7mdllah I go to the mosque for tarawee7 kl sna in rm'6an but this is the first time I go to 8eyam flmseed. a lot of ppl have been going on and on, broadcasts w 7ashra about an imam named Edrees Abkar y9aly 8eyam fl3ashr elawa5r only at mseed elshai5 zayed el3od, I told mom lets go give it a try. I went with my family that day, and oh my god, lol seriously, it was unbelievable! mashallah 3laih a7la graya sma3tha fe 7ayateee! a7llaa 9alaah!! sub7an Allah wallah mawdk ena yrka3 wala ysjd bs 3ashan ykaml grayta <333 n since then we've been going every night at 1:30! 7ata soorat elfat7a mna '3air! w du3a2a '3aaair! i really can't describe it, you must go! I hope some of you see this post before Ramadan is over! 9a7 ena y9ale 8 rak3at n then shaf3 w watr bs wallah mat7soon blwaagtt, '3air 3an others who ely y5alon elwa7d ysra7 w y6al3 elsa3a malyon mara >.< I can't stress enough on how much you're missing out etha ma9alaito warah this rm'6an! I promise if you it will be a7la 9ala 9alaitooha ever! I heard he's from Jeddah and they wanted him to be one of ela2ima fl7aram but the ppl in his area sawo '6aja cuz they didn't want him to leave them lol ya7a'6hm wallah! if you ever heard him flFM wla youtube, tra it's SO different yom ygra fl9alah! his tone and everything really takes you to another world! makes you FEEL the 2ayah! please pleeeeeease ely ygdar yroo7 yjarb ^^ wayed nas eyoon mn dbai w 3eeman!
beautiful, beautiful prayer <3
che when it's over I can't wait until tomorrow so I'd come again! plus a9lan 7ata elmkan hnak is breathtaking! Mseed elshai5 Zayed is EPIC lol the huge white 9a7an fln9 gives you this feeling chank fl7aram lool waayed 7loo! mashallah za7maaaaa every single night! 3ala kbrah, still mamkafy elnas! and it makes me very happy to see that most of them are locals! adri 9alah n eveyrthing mareed akoon racist lol bs still ya3ny '3yal deerty' astanas achoofhm y9aloon hehe ^^ 9'3ar w kbar w shyooba w 3yayz! wayed 7lo elshay!
Source: google! loOl
I saw a lot of girls from uni hnak too! and a lot of my family as well xD we bumped into each other the first time and then we decided to come together rba3a every night =D n7n w my cousins w my aunts n everyone!
aaaahh grayta tjaaniiinn w du3a2a y3awr elgaallbbb <33333333 everytime he mentions elshai5 Zayed in his du3a2 I can't hold my tears! Allah yr7ma! Mal7ag 3ala elmseed ely sawah
اللهم ابدله دارا خيرا من داره واهلا خيرا من اهله , اللهم اغسله بالماء والبرد ونقه من الخطايا وارحمه وعافه واعف عنه وأكرم نزله ووسع مدخله
*sigh* Spirituality mode: OFF! =Pp
so? sho itab3oon musalsalat?!
ana achoof Saher Ellail bas, and I kinda have mixed feelings about it lool! when it first started, oh, side note: ana machft eljz2 elawal last year.. moving on, so when it first started, I was CRAAAZYY about it!! I looooveed ittttt!! I made everybody flbait ytab3a!! I loved how it's in the 80's n everything =D how people were very simple w mshaklhm 3ala gadhm lool elnas bare2eeen lool I loved their CLOTHES!! =D the red lipstick and the golden bangles!! I HAD THE SAME ONES!!! haha I remember omy kanat tlabsna thahab 6ool elwagt and I never took these bangles off until i was really old and they wouldnt come off '3air eb may w 9aboon =Pp I loved the details flmusalsal, the old pepsi bottle and that wooden ship model fe 9alathm loOl we had one a long time ago tooo <33 I loved how even when they portray the 'bad stuff' ayam gabl, it was so pure lol and very very GOOD compared to what happens these days =Pp che wayed knt 7abtna!
BUTTTTT! now, it's really getting annoying =| madri ya3ny elkatb is out of ideas wla sho elsalfa?! mafe a7dath ya5i =s mashay '3air rasha titraya basil ydglha w basil y6al3 his phone ytraya rasha tdig! w ba3dain ya3ny?! yalseen ym6oon elmusalsal ma666! speaking of basil, seriously ya3ny, sho chayfa fe rasha??! ybb666 ellchaaaaaaaabd!! arba3a w 3shreen sa3a mad boza! 3a9aby w MUMIL w maysaweelha salfa, 3ala sho mayta 3laih? bs sha6ra tit7ar6am 3nd her friends maygooly 7achwa w maygooly 7achwa! fhamna inzain! DUMP HIM =P kareeh lw yroom y'6arab wya 3mra chan he did! matroom tfch 7aljha wla 9ara5 3laih! PLUS he tafha ba3ad! awna a7ibk w kl shay bs mareed atzawaj! I hope y'39bonha 3ala hathak elthany w ta5tha '3a9b w y6al3 3yoonha! 3ashan tit2adab w tfkna mn dala3ha elma95! w hayeech ely awanha amreekeya, ybalha KAAFFFAAAIINN che ysan3onha! kl matgool '3alooshe' a7s galby baywagf mn ello3ah :) :) aaah I can go on and on about the characters of this show! ima need a seperate blog just for that haha so moving on..
Fr9a thanya, I hate this show a lot! Ive seen a couple of episodes lana omy w ubooy ytab3ona =p wayed sa5eeef! awna wa7d ty jal6a wla ma3rf sho n then when he's fine again he's superman! y3rf kl shay 7awalaih and always makes the PERFECT decisions! so unrealistic kaif m5aleena wayed perrfecct w mafe 7ad mthla flkawkab kla! and the fact that they let that na9aba live at their house after they knew that she's not the real daughter is just beyond me =| tara ely mb chayf halmusalsalat a7sanla to skip this post lana mabyfham shay =Pp sooorry
3ad kla f9ob! wlmusalsal elhindy elmudablaj Bu Rajo fe 9ob thany! fe kl 7al8a, ytfanenooon shga y5alon their situation ma2saweya akthar mn el7al8a ely gablha! kl asaleeb elka2aba wlnakad fe one scene! mn kthr ma ybona ykon sad, it's hilarious =P wallah achoofa atm a'67aaaaak like wth are they serious?
3ad kla f9ob! wlmusalsal elhindy elmudablaj Bu Rajo fe 9ob thany! fe kl 7al8a, ytfanenooon shga y5alon their situation ma2saweya akthar mn el7al8a ely gablha! kl asaleeb elka2aba wlnakad fe one scene! mn kthr ma ybona ykon sad, it's hilarious =P wallah achoofa atm a'67aaaaak like wth are they serious?
a777777777la a77la a7777777777la shay on TV this rm'6an...
XD tkkffaa estaaaaaaaaaaaaaath! hahah a77iibb halda3ayaaaaaa it's so catchy! you'll always hear someone singing it fe baitna haha kl 7ad 9ar yba bai'6 w 6ma6 haha I even added the mp3 to my ipod xD
omg I can't believe I forgot, of course I watch 5awa6r =P I've been watching it since season 1 =D I get so proud everytime they mention stuff in here! el7mdllah and still wayed nas mb 3aybnhm lol kla yt7ar6mon w ytnagdon 3ala kl shay! yogaf dgeega flza7ma; y3al8 3alshwar3, el6alabeya fe kntaky tit2a5ar 3laih shwaya; yt7ar6am 3ala wzarat el97a << sho y59a? LoL el7mdllah mafe mthl blady!
w haaik ya3ny =P
I cooked a lot this month and 9awart kl shay 3ashan a76a in my blog but I can't find my camera now >.< !! It was right here in the morning n when I came back it disappeared! f3l fa3l! ymkn elyahood shaloha!
LOL you know how arabs always think about mu2amarat n shit haha