I neeeeed to update my blog! a lot of things happened! I feel bad cuz everytime I come here and I look at my previous post, I see how much I hated my internship, well guess what? I'M LOVING IT NOW! sub7aan m'3ayr ela7wal I know =Pp no but really, they started giving me work, REAL WORK, I'm a project manager with lots of responsibilities and I love every second of it! ana a3rf 3mry, I always have to feel productive, w eny useful lol I can't just do nothing! that's why I get all despressed in the holidays when we don't travel and just sit at home doing nothing.. anyways, I'm booosssing everybody around n my supervisor is so proud xD haha I'm more confident, I call people, arranging meetings, emails, waaayed stuff I have to juggle at the same time. I stay at the office till 5 or 6 PM!! and you know what? I'm nooot complaining =D! el7mdllah! wallah hay 9dg n3ma, ya3ny wayed nas yshta'3lon, but very few are the ones that actually like what they're doing, and enjoy work! I love my team and the people that I work with. I'm more comfortable now, I know how things are done. They offered me a position to stay 3ndhm w at'thabat ya3ny perminantly.. there's a 90% chance I will lol I just don't want to atsara3. Areed a8adm several places n then take the best offer.. plus a7s lazm a9ale est5ara awal.. SO, this is it =D ! I love work! I'm a bit sad cuz it took me a long time to like it lol next week is the 7th week which means I have only 2 more weeks to go.. my internship is only 8 weeks tara.. *sigh* oh! and you know salfat elparking?? al7een t3awadt gmt ma7s ena it's a long distance wain I park my car xD even tho it's still the same old spot bas t3awadt 3almashy haha! you know, this is classic nouf! dayman daaaayman awal shay I hate things n bitch about them bs 3gb a'3ayr rayi 180 degree! =Pp *no I don't bitch, i'm a lady, bas at7ar6am* (A)! looOl
I know eloscars are old news al7een and it has been a while.. bas I can't not a3ali8 3aldresses =Pp adri this is not a fashion blog, w ana mb mn zod my interest in fashion ya3ny *I'm okay eny a3eesh with a pair of skinny jeans n a couple of shirts* bas it's just my personal opinion! and I wanna share it :P
ana amoot fe reese. she's so adorable. but, this dress chana the one that julia roberts wore yom fazat floscars ba3ad.. so madri ya3ny, mashay fsateen '3air hatha? =/ her hair looked nice tho.. madri if I'd do the same 7ag such a big event, but, it looks cute! ana wayed I prefer letting my hair down lol fe occassions n stuff like that..
moving on =P
I'm not going to comment 3laiha cuz 7aram 7amil =P I love purple tho! I just don't understand laish g9eer mn jdam, a7s baykon a7la lw 6oola 3ade w mafe thail.. chnha nag9a more weight to carry ya3ny? LoL!
na3am inty?! hay e9ara7a waayed 8hratny! I don't care who she's wearing, that dress,, is,, MALA MA3NA! inty ray7a academy awards!! magdarty t76een shwaya more effort fe ur dress =/ ylaw3 elchabd! I hate that shade of red.. I swear chnha shartna mn halma3ra'6 ely ysawoona kl sna fe rm'6an v_v
I loooove penelope cruz! I LOVE HER! amoot 3laiha she's gorgeous. but that dress looks so cheap =/ soo cheaap!! elsh'3l ay kaalaaam! 7ata hatha chana mn elma3ra'6 >.<!! but she's still gorgeous =P mar'6a! ana aba akoon heya <3 hahahh ya7lailha mntaf5aaaaa =P yeah she had a baby 3shan che
hay 3ad the worst, hands down! wly y8har zyada, enhm mt5ableeeen 3ala her dress =O mayteen on E! ychofona SHAY! w ana abadan machoofa 7lo =s not 1% !! sho halashya2 ely 3laih? chan caviar?! 7lo ya3ny? ylaw3! w yellow ba3ad! wallah chna w9a5 =Pp wlga9ah hay elsquare e9ara7a msakkkktah =)! BOOO!!!
I love hathyyy =D malat enchanted hehe! I love everything that sprakles!! her dress yyllaammm3333 =D 7looooooooo
hayaila elthnain suck equally =P maybe the one of the left heehh shwaya ymashy 7alah, lakn elaluminium ely 3alymeeeen =) na2aa! chnha alien!
hay BEST dressed! a7la fstan! sakitat'hm!! she's always gorgeous.. waaayed 7lo 3laiha! I love this dress
a7iibbhhaaaa! she's beautiful =D waayed 7lwa t8har haha the dress is lovely too! I love the color w I'm obssessed with lace <33 bs madry che awal machfta, 7asaita shwaya mal nom =Pp but over all ya3ny, *thumbsup*
SPARKLES!! =DDDD I love ely che chna sleeve <33 t3rfon hay mno? mandy moore!!! ana ma3raftha! she's so different! =/ like so old! madri sho 3ndha loOl great dress!
now THAT'S how you work a red dress huni! mb hatheech elshagra! loveeellyyy sandra! shaklha che chnha 7rmat james bond =Pp haha
mareed a5asr space fe my blog 3ashan halfstan!! CHNA STARAH!! :P magdar magdar a3ali8! it's awful! zain enha he 7lwa, so her face msa3d elsituation ya3ny loOL
7lo hatha bs a7s this reesh thing is so 2009!
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