Friday, March 25, 2011

I neeeeed to update my blog! a lot of things happened! I feel bad cuz everytime I come here and I look at my previous post, I see how much I hated my internship, well guess what? I'M LOVING IT NOW! sub7aan m'3ayr ela7wal I know =Pp no but really, they started giving me work, REAL WORK, I'm a project manager with lots of responsibilities and I love every second of it! ana a3rf 3mry, I always have to feel productive, w eny useful lol I can't just do nothing! that's why I get all despressed in the holidays when we don't travel and just sit at home doing nothing.. anyways, I'm booosssing everybody around n my supervisor is so proud xD haha I'm more confident, I call people, arranging meetings, emails, waaayed stuff I have to juggle at the same time. I stay at the office till 5 or 6 PM!! and you know what? I'm nooot complaining =D! el7mdllah! wallah hay 9dg n3ma, ya3ny wayed nas yshta'3lon, but very few are the ones that actually like what they're doing, and enjoy work! I love my team and the people that I work with. I'm more comfortable now, I know how things are done. They offered me a position to stay 3ndhm w at'thabat ya3ny perminantly.. there's a 90% chance I will lol I just don't want to atsara3. Areed a8adm several places n then take the best offer.. plus a7s lazm a9ale est5ara awal.. SO, this is it =D ! I love work! I'm a bit sad cuz it took me a long time to like it lol next week is the 7th week which means I have only 2 more weeks to go.. my internship is only 8 weeks tara.. *sigh* oh! and you know salfat elparking?? al7een t3awadt gmt ma7s ena it's a long distance wain I park my car xD even tho it's still the same old spot bas t3awadt 3almashy haha! you know, this is classic nouf! dayman daaaayman awal shay I hate things n bitch about them bs 3gb a'3ayr rayi 180 degree! =Pp *no I don't bitch, i'm a lady, bas at7ar6am* (A)! looOl

I know eloscars are old news al7een and it has been a while.. bas I can't not a3ali8 3aldresses =Pp adri this is not a fashion blog, w ana mb mn zod my interest in fashion ya3ny *I'm okay eny a3eesh with a pair of skinny jeans n a couple of shirts* bas it's just my personal opinion! and I wanna share it :P

ana amoot fe reese. she's so adorable. but, this dress chana the one that julia roberts wore yom fazat floscars ba3ad.. so madri ya3ny, mashay fsateen '3air hatha? =/ her hair looked nice tho.. madri if I'd do the same 7ag such a big event, but, it looks cute! ana wayed I prefer letting my hair down lol fe occassions n stuff like that..
moving on =P

I'm not going to comment 3laiha cuz 7aram 7amil =P I love purple tho! I just don't understand laish g9eer mn jdam, a7s baykon a7la lw 6oola 3ade w mafe thail.. chnha nag9a more weight to carry ya3ny? LoL!

na3am inty?! hay e9ara7a waayed 8hratny! I don't care who she's wearing, that dress,, is,, MALA MA3NA! inty ray7a academy awards!! magdarty t76een shwaya more effort fe ur dress =/ ylaw3 elchabd! I hate that shade of red.. I swear chnha shartna mn halma3ra'6 ely ysawoona kl sna fe rm'6an v_v
I loooove penelope cruz! I LOVE HER! amoot 3laiha she's gorgeous. but that dress looks so cheap =/ soo cheaap!! elsh'3l ay kaalaaam! 7ata hatha chana mn elma3ra'6 >.<!! but she's still gorgeous =P mar'6a! ana aba akoon heya <3 hahahh ya7lailha mntaf5aaaaa =P yeah she had a baby 3shan che

hay 3ad the worst, hands down! wly y8har zyada, enhm mt5ableeeen 3ala her dress =O mayteen on E! ychofona SHAY! w ana abadan machoofa 7lo =s not 1% !! sho halashya2 ely 3laih? chan caviar?! 7lo ya3ny? ylaw3! w yellow ba3ad! wallah chna w9a5 =Pp wlga9ah hay elsquare e9ara7a msakkkktah =)! BOOO!!!
I love hathyyy =D malat enchanted hehe! I love everything that sprakles!! her dress yyllaammm3333 =D 7looooooooo

hayaila elthnain suck equally =P maybe the one of the left heehh shwaya ymashy 7alah, lakn elaluminium ely 3alymeeeen =) na2aa! chnha alien!

hay BEST dressed! a7la fstan! sakitat'hm!! she's always gorgeous.. waaayed 7lo 3laiha! I love this dress

a7iibbhhaaaa! she's beautiful =D waayed 7lwa t8har haha the dress is lovely too! I love the color w I'm obssessed with lace <33 bs madry che awal machfta, 7asaita shwaya mal nom =Pp but over all ya3ny, *thumbsup*

SPARKLES!! =DDDD I love ely che chna sleeve <33 t3rfon hay mno? mandy moore!!! ana ma3raftha! she's so different! =/ like so old! madri sho 3ndha loOl great dress!

now THAT'S how you work a red dress huni! mb hatheech elshagra! loveeellyyy sandra! shaklha che chnha 7rmat james bond =Pp haha

mareed a5asr space fe my blog 3ashan halfstan!! CHNA STARAH!! :P magdar magdar a3ali8! it's awful! zain enha he 7lwa, so her face msa3d elsituation ya3ny loOL

7lo hatha bs a7s this reesh thing is so 2009!


وصبوا الماي على الباجلاااااااا

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I'm writing this post from my cubicle here at work in my third week. Yes I started my internship and it's not as fun as I thought it would be. Maybe becuase I was too excited? or expected really a lot. I know I wanted to work here so bad but now that I'm here, I kinda regret it.Wish I applied somewhere else. First of all, locals are like only 2% of everybody working here, klhm ajanib and too stiff and serious! ya3ny okay I want to handle my work seriously of course but hny O_O mn 9ba7 Allah 5air lain arba3 w 5ams w huma mjableen their computer screens! kla sh'3l fe sh'3l! its frustrating! ya3ny ana 7awalt bs mi5y 3awarny loOl I cant concertrate halkthr constantly. Plus, I've worked in other places for like summer training w halswalf and it was much more 'friendly'. like here a7s its just STRICTLY business. I don't think they know each other outside this building =P aaaahh! yala ma3laih, a9lan time passed by really quickly.. after this week, i've got 5 more weeks to go. Another issue here is the PARKING! doom dooom awagf aaaaaaa5r shay! that lonely spot that nobody wants is always mine -_-' and i'm always on time but still ma7a9l good parking! madri hayaila mn mta ydawmon o_O It's a good thing that my office is like 7 minutes away from home.. maa7lag asha'3l elsong flcar wla ana flbait =Pp my parents get too worried when I leave the house every morning. my dad kinda regrets he let me have my driving license loOol he says galba y3awrah mn kthr may7ateene w mayswa 3laih hallaisan LoL and mom, doesnt nap el'6hr until i'm safely home! haha mt2azmeen agoolkm!

My supervisor mb mdawma elyom (FAKKAH)! I finished the tasks I was assigned n it's just 11:00 AM! I'm so bored I'll kill myself lol that's why I thought i'd update my blog! tell you what i'm up to lately. oh! and another thing I hate is that I feel like they're all too busy for me! kl wa7d in his own little world minding his own business.. agool fe 5a6ry yom ma3ndkm sh'3l for me then why did you accept me as an intern?! even the work they give me, che a7s its useless, like I put 100% effort bs deep down I KNOW that no one is going to benefit from it! they just want to keep me busy doing stuff -_-" you see that sucks! I feel I'm not gaining anything from this..  I never thought i'd say this, but I truly miss uni.. yeah! believe it or not! anaaa miss unii! anaa!! the one who hated it THE MOST! hated every second I spent there! chabdy kanat tloo3 che a7s bazoo3 everytime I wait by the traffic light w achoofha 3ala ymeene =Pp I miss seeing my friends and joking in classes. I miss just sitting there and getting lectured loOl oh well..

Reading this post, I realize that I'm a big girl now! hehe I have a joob, I drive a caaar, I am financialy independant mn zman.. I could like get my own apartment now and move out of my parent's xD *I WISH*