Sunday, December 11, 2011

I'm sitting in my cubicle. bored like hell. madri when will they trust me w give me responsibilities other than sending emails n stuff =/ I really can't wait till I get so damn pressured.. I miss that feeling! I want to work damn it! I want to stress out over what should be done lol *sigh* it's my forth week here, people around me say that it's gna take a while.. and that all new entries go through this phase. I just feel like I'm wasting my time =S I wake up at six in the morning and get back home at 4:30, kl ha w I do nothing! I just sit there! if I worked for an hour n333333mah! I really don't want to complain.. I'll just wait.. before taking this job 9alait est5ara to help me choose between two places.. and I ended up in here so it gotta be the place for me. I'll keep waiting,, things WILL get better inshallah. other than that, the place is cool, people are beyoond nice to me, so sweet and friendly.. so here I am! updating my blog while everybody around me is busy working..

I wanted to update my blog mn zman and i've tried a few times but i'd always end up reading it and go like aah bleh *closes window* or sometimes I'd get so into it and start spilling out everything ely yngal w ely mayngal loOl this time I feel  my mind is clear and since I have nothing to do -plus I have to act like i'm busy doing stuff- thought i'd give it another try.

So the last time I blogged was in Ramadhan. A lot has happened since then. el7mdllah this year has been more than great to me! 2011 was/is MY year. I'm thankful for everything, the good and the bad. I decided to document all that has happened, sorta like counting my blessings, and keeping that list for rainy days when I feel blue so as to remind me of how lucky and blessed I am and that I shouldn't sweat the small stuff. I do recommend doing that to everybody. Really helps you with 9aber, 8ana3a, ri'6a and positivity!

oh em gee double aich kay pe! national day was freakin EPIC this year! I really have nothing to say =P you know how when something is very amazing that you just cant describe it and instead you just giggle and shrug! yeah I'm doing that now loOl what can I possibly say that will give it 7agah! nothing really. It was the event of the YEAR! nothing similar or even close to it happened in this region before OR will ever happen as a matter of fact flwa6an el3araby wleslamy =B so proud of everybody who made it all happen. I'm proud of being Emirati, I'm thankful that I was born a part of this journey. seriously what more could we ask for? el7mdllah! fog baitkm 3alam? fog baitna 3alam =D! hehe so nice seeing everybody so involved this year. in the 3alam 7amla, yas car parade, zayed sports city event -which btw mool matwa8a3t ena ykoon kla locals- AND most importantly, the cleanup campaign that happened post all that. I've never been more proud e9ara7a! so happy y'all proved to everyone that locals aren't all about hermes bags and bentelys lol

aah I really don't know agool sho wla sho! it was truly a day to freakin remember!!! here are my two faaaaaaavorite parts of the entire 40 day celebrations =D aaaaah <333 *heart throbes*

I swear to god everytime I watch this I get goosebumps and my heart beats faster <33333333 damn it I love the military! I love everything related to it! jaish/shr6a/honor/weapons/servingyourcountry I WANTED TO JOIN THE POLICE ACADEMY WHEN I WAS LITTLE loool t5aylo! I guess I was really influenced cuz my dad is a lieutenant and you know, into halshayw2 lol <3 everytime I see my dad in his unifrom, it just makes my day!
and don't even get me started with this one =') *galby wgaf* loOl

This was the last and BEST part of it all! I LOVE HIM! period.

Listen to the crowd the moment they realized elshyoo5 were going on stage! =D puuuure happiness and love!

damn it I really wanted to be there. but the tickets were very hard to get e9ara7a. those booths were overly crowded and we had to wait for hours to get a turn. online registration totally didn't count madri laish msaweena =/ and then last minute my aunt told me she had an extra one but I was fasting =/ mom said she'll pack me a lunch box -well, a f6oor box that is- to take with me to the stadium loool but I decided to stay home! =P t5aylo elshay into bas! kaif ba9ale a9lan!

waw! I'm always gna blog at work! makes time pass quickly! =P
bye you guys! later!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ramadan is almost over. for the past 20 days I wasn't enjoying it very much, it was very slowww n boring n not like kl sna. but, now that it's ending I kinda feel blue lol I just started enjoying it and I don't want it to end now. I know i'll miss it that's for sure! el7mdllah I go to the mosque for tarawee7 kl sna in rm'6an but this is the first time I go to 8eyam flmseed. a lot of ppl have been going on and on, broadcasts w 7ashra about an imam named Edrees Abkar y9aly 8eyam fl3ashr elawa5r only at mseed elshai5 zayed el3od, I told mom lets go give it a try. I went with my family that day, and oh my god, lol seriously, it was unbelievable! mashallah 3laih a7la graya sma3tha fe 7ayateee! a7llaa 9alaah!! sub7an Allah wallah mawdk ena yrka3 wala ysjd bs 3ashan ykaml grayta <333 n since then we've been going every night at 1:30! 7ata soorat elfat7a mna '3air! w du3a2a '3aaair! i really can't describe it, you must go! I hope some of you see this post before Ramadan is over! 9a7 ena y9ale 8 rak3at n then shaf3 w watr bs wallah mat7soon blwaagtt, '3air 3an others who ely y5alon elwa7d ysra7 w y6al3 elsa3a malyon mara >.< I can't stress enough on how much you're missing out etha ma9alaito warah this rm'6an! I promise if you it will be a7la 9ala 9alaitooha ever! I heard he's from Jeddah and they wanted him to be one of ela2ima fl7aram but the ppl in his area sawo '6aja cuz they didn't want him to leave them lol ya7a'6hm wallah! if you ever heard him flFM wla youtube, tra it's SO different yom ygra fl9alah! his tone and everything really takes you to another world! makes you FEEL the 2ayah! please pleeeeeease ely ygdar yroo7 yjarb ^^ wayed nas eyoon mn dbai w 3eeman!
beautiful, beautiful prayer <3
che when it's over I can't wait until tomorrow so I'd come again! plus a9lan 7ata elmkan hnak is breathtaking! Mseed elshai5 Zayed is EPIC lol the huge white 9a7an fln9 gives you this feeling chank fl7aram lool waayed 7loo! mashallah za7maaaaa every single night! 3ala kbrah, still mamkafy elnas! and it makes me very happy to see that most of them are locals! adri 9alah n eveyrthing mareed akoon racist lol bs still ya3ny '3yal deerty' astanas achoofhm y9aloon hehe ^^ 9'3ar w kbar w shyooba w 3yayz! wayed 7lo elshay!

Source: google! loOl

I saw a lot of girls from uni hnak too! and a lot of my family as well xD we bumped into each other the first time and then we decided to come together rba3a every night =D n7n w my cousins w my aunts n everyone!
aaaahh grayta tjaaniiinn w du3a2a y3awr elgaallbbb <33333333 everytime he mentions elshai5 Zayed in his du3a2 I can't hold my tears! Allah yr7ma! Mal7ag 3ala elmseed ely sawah
اللهم ابدله دارا خيرا من داره واهلا خيرا من اهله , اللهم اغسله بالماء والبرد ونقه من الخطايا وارحمه وعافه واعف عنه وأكرم نزله ووسع مدخله

*sigh* Spirituality mode: OFF! =Pp
so? sho itab3oon musalsalat?!
ana achoof Saher Ellail bas, and I kinda have mixed feelings about it lool! when it first started, oh, side note: ana machft eljz2 elawal last year.. moving on, so when it first started, I was CRAAAZYY about it!! I looooveed ittttt!! I made everybody flbait ytab3a!! I loved how it's in the 80's n everything =D how people were very simple w mshaklhm 3ala gadhm lool elnas bare2eeen lool I loved their CLOTHES!! =D the red lipstick and the golden bangles!! I HAD THE SAME ONES!!! haha I remember omy kanat tlabsna thahab 6ool elwagt and I never took these bangles off until i was really old and they wouldnt come off '3air eb may w 9aboon =Pp I loved the details flmusalsal, the old pepsi bottle and that wooden ship model fe 9alathm loOl we had one a long time ago tooo <33 I loved how even when they portray the 'bad stuff' ayam gabl, it was so pure lol and very very GOOD compared to what happens these days =Pp  che wayed knt 7abtna!

BUTTTTT! now, it's really getting annoying =| madri ya3ny elkatb is out of ideas wla sho elsalfa?! mafe a7dath ya5i =s mashay '3air rasha titraya basil ydglha w basil y6al3 his phone ytraya rasha tdig! w ba3dain ya3ny?! yalseen ym6oon elmusalsal ma666! speaking of basil, seriously ya3ny, sho chayfa fe rasha??! ybb666 ellchaaaaaaaabd!! arba3a w 3shreen sa3a mad boza! 3a9aby w MUMIL w maysaweelha salfa, 3ala sho mayta 3laih? bs sha6ra tit7ar6am 3nd her friends maygooly 7achwa w maygooly 7achwa! fhamna inzain! DUMP HIM =P kareeh lw yroom y'6arab wya 3mra chan he did! matroom tfch 7aljha wla 9ara5 3laih! PLUS he tafha ba3ad! awna a7ibk w kl shay bs mareed atzawaj! I hope y'39bonha 3ala hathak elthany w ta5tha '3a9b w y6al3 3yoonha! 3ashan tit2adab w tfkna mn dala3ha elma95! w hayeech ely awanha amreekeya, ybalha KAAFFFAAAIINN che ysan3onha! kl matgool '3alooshe' a7s galby baywagf mn ello3ah :) :) aaah I can go on and on about the characters of this show! ima need a seperate blog just for that haha so moving on..

Fr9a thanya, I hate this show a lot! Ive seen a couple of episodes lana omy w ubooy ytab3ona =p wayed sa5eeef! awna wa7d ty jal6a wla ma3rf sho n then when he's fine again he's superman! y3rf kl shay 7awalaih and always makes the PERFECT decisions! so unrealistic kaif m5aleena wayed perrfecct w mafe 7ad mthla flkawkab kla! and the fact that they let that na9aba live at their house after they knew that she's not the real daughter is just beyond me =| tara ely mb chayf halmusalsalat a7sanla to skip this post lana mabyfham shay =Pp sooorry

3ad kla f9ob! wlmusalsal elhindy elmudablaj Bu Rajo fe 9ob thany! fe kl 7al8a, ytfanenooon shga y5alon their situation ma2saweya akthar mn el7al8a ely gablha! kl asaleeb elka2aba wlnakad fe one scene! mn kthr ma ybona ykon sad, it's hilarious =P wallah achoofa atm a'67aaaaak like wth are they serious?

a777777777la a77la a7777777777la shay on TV this rm'6an...

XD tkkffaa estaaaaaaaaaaaaaath! hahah a77iibb halda3ayaaaaaa it's so catchy! you'll always hear someone singing it fe baitna haha kl 7ad 9ar yba bai'6 w 6ma6 haha I even added the mp3 to my ipod xD

omg I can't believe I forgot, of course I watch 5awa6r =P I've been watching it since season 1 =D I get so proud everytime they mention stuff in here! el7mdllah and still wayed nas mb 3aybnhm lol kla yt7ar6mon w ytnagdon 3ala kl shay! yogaf dgeega flza7ma; y3al8 3alshwar3, el6alabeya fe kntaky tit2a5ar 3laih shwaya; yt7ar6am 3ala wzarat el97a << sho y59a? LoL el7mdllah mafe mthl blady!

w haaik ya3ny =P
I cooked a lot this month and 9awart kl shay 3ashan a76a in my blog but I can't find my camera now >.< !! It was right here in the morning n when I came back it disappeared! f3l fa3l! ymkn elyahood shaloha!

LOL you know how arabs always think about mu2amarat n shit haha

Sunday, August 7, 2011

WARNING: This post contains lotsa snaps! wait for it to load, and enjoy ;D
We arrived back to Abu Dhabi on the 17th of July. It was THEEEEE. best. vacation. EVARrRrRr! okay, let me just start by stating that we are soooo not gom europe lol we went to paris and then london, and I know it seems like a typical 5aleejy vacation, but for us it's not lol I havent been to europe in ages! n7n totally gom amreeka =P this year we decided to change and see what all the fuss is about.. first, we stayed for a week in Paris. let me tell you, it sucked =) paris tlaw3 elchabd! sorry ya3ny but mafeeha shay mool! lo3ah! down town paris = 5mam! shanzelize haly mayteen 3laih, mayswa shbr fe the walk fdbai =/ seriously sho ha? 9dg 3aib 3laihm lol wallah soo not what I expected to see! abadan mb mthl elmovies lool yom y6al3onlk eiffel tower w ma3rf sho.. w9aa5 hnaak >.< ya elahy I'm never going there again! awany knt nawya aseer for my honeymoon =Pp wallah mashaber!! blad w9995a! da5l elburj kla sha5abee6 w araf. chfto kaif in burj 5leefa msaweela like a place mratab downtown 3nd dubai mall yalsa w m6a3m w blad broo7ha hnak?? yeah, it's nothing similar lol eiffel tower is in the middle of the street :) yes che tmr bsayartk w el7aya 7lwa *thumbsdown* w kla f9ob, w shwar3hm fe 9ob ... sharr3 waa7d sayr rad bas! yadob ykafe sayara w7da! wlcoffee shopat ely hnak mmara 3alra9eef =) lw 7ad dazk bs shway et6ee7 3alsahr3! sho halma95ara loool che elblad teeb el'6eej e9ara7a! everything is so clustered w dull! w shwar3hm klha gargara!! ayls flsayara for ten minutes a7s 5ala9 fwady by6la3 i'll throw up! downtown paris was a DISASTER! of course, mb lazm agool shkthr elnas rude :) tkalmhm 7ata may6al3onk they act deaf =o na3am ya3ny! still waiting for the 'best. vacation. ever' part? haha wait it's coming ;P

so the best part about paris is that we stayed in a place outside the 'city' che in the suburbs b3eed 3an elza7ma wl7ashra and the place was breathtaking <333 it's like a compound from barbie land lol all the villas looked like doll houses and everything was so beautiful <3 peace and quiet! amazing view from the balcony seeda 3ala this lake thing =D wayed waaaayed kan 7lo! w kiiiiiiila 3arab =P we thought n7n iktshafna mkan ya3ny a5r shay n7n 6la3na a5r man ya3lam! mara knt yalsa achoof elba6 shway wla y6la3ly wa7d eb wzar w faneela :)! haha

how cute are they

chnha 9oora mn a postcard <3

I wanna be there right nowwww lol

shkthr 7awalt eny az5hm!! loool  lakn fshalt!

wa3oh!! wallah lay'3rkm kaif y6al3ona flaflam w madri kaif.. it's just a big piece of metal in the middle of the street! layhsh wala ynsh! LoL *sho abah ysawe mathalan?* =P la bs wallah 9dg 5ayis tara! loOl

hny awal yom 8ararna ndsh da5l elblad, awany mstansa w yalsa a9awr.. elwanasa didn't last long =|

kna n2ajr bicycles and ride in the most beautiful weather =D dom kano y6l3on wna agoolilhm batm flbait <33 I loved it! the second time saro shopping da5l paris *ana 6ab3an t2adabt I was like never again!* I stayed and cooked lunch loOl

hrees 3ala shakl 3aish :)

The next best thing about paris.... DISNEY LAND! =D a9lan it was the reason why we stopped at paris before london. no need for me to comment, leave you with the pictures *\o/* wOot woOt!!


I will never grow old for disney!

how cool is that? ;P hope you guys are still together loOl


my favorite ride is Space Mountain =B !! flying dumbo is stupid
even though disney matit'3ayar tara, nafs elal3ab mn malyon sna, but still, it's always joyful and heartwarming <3

f3lan! hehe

the paraaaaade!!

goodbye walter! lool off to London! 5athna trraaaiinn =D 9dg sh'3l ajanb =P me like!

two hours w w9alna! it was more comfortable than el6ayara

I fell in love with landan =$ I'm sorry I know that's pathetic lana kl 7ad ygool nafs elshay but honestly now I get it :) I kknooww why they're crazy about it lool I LOVE IT! ana aba astwe mn gom landan :) aba aroo7 landan kl sna!! landan beats amreeka n kicks its asssss!! =Pp

we stayed in a really lovely area, Canary Wharf. '3air 3an bagy landan it's very modern w feeha like new buildings n stuff! aham shay, arabless loOl latgolonly edgware road wala oxford, Allah y5aleekm la2 ya3ny =P big X .. ely yroo7 hnak ykrah landan,, '3air ely mt3amd yseer hnak for certain reasons ya3ny n7n klna fahmeen =P  LoL! anyways, landan feeha shay 'mush wala bud' haha bladhm, 7ashra =/ kl 5ams dgayg tsma3 halwannan mal elshr6a.. literally every 5 minutes, it's on going mayskt!! n the apartment we stayed in 3dalha fire station =) wallah manroom nrgd flail mn elez3aj =/
wallah landan el7ub 5ala9 =$ haha feeha kl shay, shopping w kickass weather <333333 that's all I want from a summer vacation to be happy! oh, and a5eeran srt Harrods lool zaaa7777mmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa omg wallah chna el3mra sta'3ferAllah! mara your shoulders fe chatf ely 3dalk! mb shay =/ chna maze, y'6ay3 lol a7la shay yom madri wain srna level che madri sho ybee3 ice cream w kafy, bs 3ad lw tchofon el3arab ely hnak LoL! I was like waaat the helll!! abadan mb mt3awda achoof 3arab flsfar,, yom kna nseer elstates, kna nmoooot wnshoof wa7d 5aleejy =') n7s bjeemta!! haha lakn fe landan =P wallah tgulon dubai mall!
ana Selfridges maly =B 7agy! bashtreeh 7agy ana bas! hahah n7n iktshafna shay, if you wana shop at these places mn '3air ma you have guys swarming fog rooskm or bump into girls that are way overdressed y3awroon gloobkm, wake up early in the morning and go! fa'6yyyyy lool hal7awash klhm rgood =Pp

hyde park <3 kl 3am wnta el7ob!

wallah elmkan eyanin =$ eljaw bas ykafe! I didn't know eny halkthr bastanas 3ala '7adee8a' loOl but I did <333 waaaayid awwwyad shay!

I'd never want to go anywhere else next summer <3 I used to make fun mn hayaila ely yseroon kl sna w agool ma3ndhm salfa,, but now ana stwait mnhm :) hahah 

can't end the post with no food pics!

turkish restaurant fe nafs elman68a ely skana feeha! you have no idea how GOOD this tastes =P like, unbelievable.. it looks like normal food, but, it's Magical ! .... xp
a7la shay yom na5th eltraaain =o ya5i ana iktshaft eny a7b elsubway! -off topic: wayed iktshaft ashya2 halsafra loool- *only when I find a seat w ayls* haha with my Oyster card 5oozu 3any raja2an B) hahah wayed mb chayfa 5air 9a7? XD 3ala 6ary eltrains, my parents mn elblad they tell us ena hnak el86arat matitraya 7ad, w lazm matitma7mchan w bsr3a w madri sho, so we were really nervous the first time =P after km mara t3awadna n everything was alright, UNTIL once tsakar 3ala w7da elbab!!!! chaan t9ra5 theech el9ar5a =O gloobna 6a7at, mn yomha w n7n feena r3b mn halbeeban xD t2azamna loool

even though wayed stanasna, I still wanted to run back home to Abu Dhabi lol yeah if I could, I would hehe I miss home so much when i'm away. anyways, so this is what I did in the summer... still holiday-ing, this is day 54 of unemployment. still going around handing CVs and getting interviewed *sigh* inshallah 5air..
it's almost s7oor time, gotta run

"في تاريخ 6 أغسطس من عام 1966 استلم المغفور له باذن الله الشيخ زايد بن سلطان ال نهيان مقاليد الحكم في امارة ابوظبي. يوم تغير فيه مستقبل المنطقه للأفضل. لا تنسون الوالد الشيخ زايد بصالح الدعاء"

Saturday, June 25, 2011

I graduated! done! ba777! no more!
It was one of the happiest moments of my life. I'm you sure you guys saw the ceremony on TV, 3adoha 3ala sma dbai around six times loOl and everytime it's on, me n my family njabl eltv until I come up and then they start clapping xD cheeezyy haha el7mdllah! I feel like a heavy weight got lifted off of my chest! those last 4 years at ZU, it was a loong journey yet passed by so quickly! madri kaif lol <3 I'm going to miss my girls the most, and our shardat hehe and yam3atna in coffee bean =') not to mention, mal7agt 3ala the new campus in 5leefa >_> bummer! mn awal mad5alna eljam3a w huma ygulolna we'll move elsemester elyay,, it has been four years =P t5arajna w ba3adna mantgalna lool at first I was so shy and nervous I didn't want to go up on stage. I wanted to just be one of the auidence and sit there watching it like evrybody else.. but, I'm sooo glad I changed my mind! It felt SO good walking up to Sheikh Mohamed when they called my name <3 I`ll never forget that day! June 7th, 2011. I consider myself lucky that I graduated in the 2011 batch because we have shai5at with us =P if it werent for them, our graduation wouldnt have been such a big deal haha I'm just sayin =B wayed sawolna salfa, unlike the other poor df3at =Pp

not to mention, the day BEFORE graduation, me n my two best friends had a slumber party in Dubai.. we decided we wana do something crazy that day! we wanted to celebrate graduating in the most craziest way we could and make it a night to remember! a lloottt of shit happened that day but i'm gona keep that to myself xD what happens in Dubai, stays in dubai haha <3

It still didn't sink in that I'm done with drasa and now i'm unemployed with nothing to do in life =P I haaate sitting at home! I've been sending out my CV to various companies even before I graduated.. now I'm going through interviews n stuff.. done with four already! *fingerscrossed* I've decided to count how many days will it take me to get employed lool today it's *checks calendar* ten days o_O! omg feels like a month already x( everybody keeps telling me to take a break and not to asta3yal 3ala elsh'3l n stuff, but no lol when i sit at home n do nothing, I become this grumpy, cranky, angry emo little bitch =x excuse my french! and I can't go out evvverydaaay I'm not wa7d mn elrab3 lol I wanted to take belly dance classes SOO FREAKIN BAD! but they're arent any in Abu Dhabi :@ I called several places, either they're not offering that anymore or the instructor msafra or blah blah blah! bummer! I called my friend up that day I told her to sign  us up in any damn class =P gym, yoga, zumba ANYTHING FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!! haha I've been cooking, going to the movies, shopping, friends, family outings *phew* what more!! mafy shay!! I even wanted to learn sign language <3 i've been in love with in for so long but the school that offers these classes, like any other school, closes for the summer *thumbsdown*

Summer plans: we're going to Euro disney in paris on the 30th. staying there for a week and then we're off to London. Havent been there since I was like 5 or something. so yeah i'm excited, lets see what all the hype is about lol

So when i'm bored, I turn to my number one addiction: YOUTUBE! I watch vlogs, music videos, hair n makeup tutorials, shows, EVERYTHING! that day I was youtubin some ooold cartoon shows and I noticed something. old papayat were very very DEEP lool I saw this lady lady episode and one guy was talking about elas'hum wl3a8arat and how much debt he has w sho baysaweela elbank xD wth, I'm sure none of us had any clue when we were kids seeing that. also, the theme songs! man they were very... umm,, like powerful lol for example, here's mawkly..
في الغابة قانون يسري في كل مكان
قانون اهمله البشر ونسوه الان
اخلاص حب دافئ عيش فطري هانئ
لا ظلم ولا خوف ولا غدر ولا احزان
في الغابة قانون يسري في كل زمان
قانون لم يفهم مغزاه بنو الانسان
ساعد غيرك لو تدري ما معنى حب الغير

ما اجمل ان تحيا في الارض بلا نكران

and nawar lol <3
تقاربوا، تناغموا
وإن اختلفتم كلكم في الشكل والأسماء
في العمر والأهواء، والزي والكلاااام
كالخنصر والبنصر والوسطى والسبابة، والخامس الإبهام
جميعها أنامل في باقة فريدة من فن الحياة

3yal check this one out, hazeem elra3d *salute*
ابرقي ارعدي ابطالا وعدوك انبل وعد
جاؤوك بصوت الحق الهادر كهزيم الرعد
بسيوف اقوى من نار عرفت كيف الرد
ماهنت ولن تهني بل من اجلك ثار اشتد
ما عاش الظالم يسبيك وفينا نفس يعد
بحنيني بدمي افديك وروحي تنبت مجد
very meaningful, I loved them!

7kayat 3alameya
من كل بلاد الدنيا
من كل بقاع الأرض..
قصص شتى
تروى حتى
نعرف أحوال الإنسان
والكل هنا جيران
فإذا زرناكم في الصورة
في أحلى دنيا مسحورة..
كي نتسلى..
صرنا أهلا

Here is a little something I made the other day. give it a try =D *munch munch*
FRIED CALAMARIS! me lurRrRrve <333 can't have enough. here are the main ingredients

fresh squids from eljam3eya, they'll celan it up for you and you`ll end up with things like these lol ihda2 that when I went I told the guy "please cut the testi... TENTACLES!" LoL '3al6a ebmalyon! *hides* cut em CUT EM!!! hahaha it was just me and my sister at home that day so four was kinda enough i think.. barely sadna cuz we love em alot lol so If i'd do it again for the entire family, and we're six all toegether, id buy.. hmmm 8 or 9!  + pickled cucumber (or any type of m5alal you know), paprika, mayo, oregano.

cut them into slices, not too thin though cuz they're very soft. you`ll end up with rings just like that. calamari bracelets =B ew! loool

so because we're gna fry em, we need to prepare this coating thing lol madri sho ysamona. anyways, get flour, salt, black pepper, oregano and paprika. mix well! 5ili6 bili6! =Pp please don't ask about measurements =x I work by e7saaas loool!   

Put the calamari slices in, coat em very well with the flour mix.
I love my fried calamris dipped in tartar sauce. so here's a simple version:

 finely chopped b9al and pickles. tiny tiiinny pieces.
mix em well with mayo, add a little bit of salt and black pepper with a tiiiiny squeeze of lime.

now lets fry our babies hehe aham shay the tempreture tkoon really high. when you drop the calamari in, it should sizzle. one way of knowing if it's hot enough. add a pinch of the flour mix into the oil and see if it sizzles then that's what you're looking for, splash em babies in loool wth is wrong with me today!

when they turn a bit golden and start floating on top, that's when they're ready so take em out. it'll take like only a minute or so

yummmm =B make sure you put them on some kind of tissue paper first to take off all the excess oil. keep them dry

aaaaaand bl3afya! super super easy and delicious