Monday, December 27, 2010

Today in class, faj2a I thought, mn zman I haven't blogged! so here I am! a lot happened lately but I dont usually post personal stuff online lol that's why I'm always so bubbly on twitter n everything =Pp cuz I only tweet when I'm in a good mood! or when I RANT! which is my favorite thing to do in the whole wide world haha but I'm not always like that trust me! when I really feel bad n down, I just want to be left alone! ma7b everybody feels sorry for me n awww poor noouuff blah blah lool na2ah! go away! lol I'm not saying I'm sad or anything madri just fe baly I say halshay ^^ so anyways, 3 days until 2011! not really a big deal for me.. new yearz dayman boring for me.. I don't do nothing! I'm only a biiittt excited for my birthday which is on the 8th of January! so yah! something to look forward tooo =D.. 7asaito how many times I used "!" ? I just can not not use it =Pp its my full stop and comma and everything loOl

so about chirstmas, that day I tweeted something and I guess its worth ena ykoon fe my blog too: "Every year when it's christmas time, muslims fight with each other and create drama loOl seriously enough! Kl wa7d 3laih mn nafsa!". I mean 9dg, elshay wayed yfashl.. everryyy year therez drama around here in december! 5ala9 ya5i =/ ely yba y7tfl fe w ho muslim braya wly mayba a7sanla w 5ala9! sh3alay mn elnas yom a3rf that i'm right?! wallah klll sna nafs elsalfa! w nothing changes ba3ad lol! and about the christmas trees =).. abadan mb 7lo elshay ely stwa for that guy! all the BC's n everything.. mala da3y! I'm with tolerance w che for other religions w mb mshkla etha we decorate shwaya 3ashanhm.. but, yom elshay yzeed 3an 7ada,, its just not,, cool lol ya3ny elmafroo'6 manoo9al ledarajat ena nsawe world record fe halshay w7na dawla muslma! w fog kl hatha hm y7arbona 3ala el7ijab fe bladhm! you know what's funny? ena by doing kl hal7ashra, n7n nbayn like chana we're saying please 7ibona =Pp n7n nmoot 3laikm tara loOl it's actually sad.. ana che I look at it! la w fog kl hatha 6a7o feena ba3ad! *mtfashla*
I can't wait for the SHAYTARDS christmas video =$ tehee!

anyyyhoooooo! mareed ad5l fe politics w religion 3ashan I don't end up wara elshams =Pp knt aba asawe haul of what I got from dubai yesterday but it's 12:39 AM right now w wayed mt3ayza eny a9awr w I edit w uploaadd =x so next post inshallah! plus next post ba76 new year's resolution =B just cuz everybody else is doing it haha

Today I went to my cousin's and they were yshwoon crabs! believe it or not, awal mara fe 7ayate I try em! they're RrRrrRrRreally good! like wayed! loOl yummm <33

Good night y'all! *yawwn*

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I loooove costume partaaaayz! I love dressin up n acting like some other characterRr (inf9am flsha59eyah much?) =Pp anyways, this year I decided to go as Katy Perry from california girls =D you know that blue wig? and the candy-land theme outfits?! yes yes watch the video if you have no clue loOl

soOoOo tamait I goooglle until I found THISSS! w 7asait ena wayed yleeg =D so 6labta! with the hat n socks n everything!! from Incostume

ba3daaaain, I made some changes =P 7a6aitla my own personal touch mithil maygulon v.v e7m! haha
leave you with the pictures!

 I added marshmellows on the 7alj part LoL w 3nd elwaist

I know right xD wayed kan cute! and they're real tara! knt yalsa akil w alazzg =Pp

and candy wrappers dabast'hm mn ta7at =Pp <333333

I also got a big wig =B 3ashan akaml ellook! or else ma7ad bay3rf eny katy perry!! plus the hat!

w I did my own makeup (ely wayed wayd kan 3aybne btw =Pp) 6ab3an fake lashes loOl I wish those were mine haha when I took this picture waaayed 7asait eny aba asawe channel on youtube w a76 makeup tutorials (A)! wayed wath8a 9a7? lool shway elmakeup aragozy tara.. bs kan yleeg with the outfit n all

wl8ahar!! eny I got this 3ashan I hold it fe 2eedy BUTTTTT I was in a hurry when I left home w nsaita flbait -_-"

w haik ya3ny =D wayed it was fun! and wayed kan fe people that looked really scary! like a nurse laffa 3ala wayyha shash and che kla blood x_X it was really freaky! also, there was like this terrorism victim or something O_o che labsa nafs elcloth bag 3ala ras'ha w rope around her neck and ofcourse kla blood also =x yikes! but of course kan shay nice costumes too! one girl was princess jasmine <333 kanat tyanniiiiiin =Pp wallah 6ool el7afla wna a6al3haa LoL she looked so real! hehe che sha3arha and everything lool also there was a greek goddess... she was pretty too!
so anyways, can't wait for another costume party! I already know sho bakoon (A) bs I wont tell you! 3ashan mat8aldoonyyy

Thursday, October 21, 2010

no need for a big introduction, I made red velvet truffles the other day and they turned out great so thought I'd share ^-^ keep on reading it's very easy to do! and fun <33

emmmm, please kl wa7d y'3sl 2eeda awal shay raja2an manba 7ad ytsamam :) ba3dain tgulon kla mn nouf
so theses are the ingredients
*whisper: I know I said red velvets n that's chocolate cake mix but you see the three bottles on the left?? these are red food coloring LoL! just add a little to chocolate w baystwe red velvet xD trust me no one noticed the difference haha! sho asawe wallah dawart kl makn for red velvet cake mix -_-" mashay!*

add the cake mix with a cup+3 tbls of water and rb3 gla9 zait =p three eggs and the food coloring w mix mix mix for three minutes

 next get the tray thing ely bat76onha flfrn to bake the cake but before you fill it with the mix just brush it with a thin layer of either butter orR saman.. as you like, bas 3ashan elcake doesn't get stuck feeha lol and then rashat 67een =P
 put it flPREheated frn 3ala 360! and keeep watching it lain tstwe! its not gna take long.. intabho
and you'll know it's done when you poke it with a toothpick and take it out w ykoon clean =B
after it's done n baked, wait until it completely cools off n then crumble it
 add the philidephia cheese.. the whole goo6y lol
 this part is shway lo3ah =P sta'3ferAllah but really the best way to mix it all up is with ur hands! I've tried different kinds of spoons and mlalees mashay fayda LoL I don't eat cheese so wayed la3at chabdy I turned my head and ylast a5ab9a but it turned out to be wayed fun =P I enjoyed it! l3abt feeh ahaha
 ba3daaaaain, sawooh che dwaweer dwaweer =P ya3ny ma3rrf kaif ashra7 just see the pictures haha oh after you get them che, put them flthalaja for several hours.. ana e9ara7a 5alaithm over night lool cuz I started late w I had to sleep loOl! bas 3ade mb mshkla
melt the chocolate bars flmicrowave
 dip the babies in =B one at a time =) that was a mistake.. loOl
yeah I know i'm a lil bit messy =Pp
 Add spinkles or maybe t7bon nuts?? ay shay kaifkm
then again flfridge 3ashan yebas elchocolate
It's so yummy trust me! w wayed easy ba3ad! it looks so cute mn da5l che red =Pp good for a valentine's day gift or something heheh magdart a9awr cuz my camera fa'6at =x
let me know if you tried it ;D

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Yay finally a new post! a7b a777bb I blog but I just can't find the time! some people update their blogs bsr3a i take hours believe it or not =$ madri i'm too slow w che wayed arakz fldetails.. enter mny, space mnak loOl anyways, the reason why I feel like ma3ndy time is because I started uni and as usual a7s I DONT HAVE A LIFE! mn eljam3a lain elbait w mn elbait lain eljam3a! from morning until 5ams! It's very tiring ard elbait halkaaanah! w a7la shay when i get stuck in traffic =) I swear ana ktshaft the one thng in life ely 9dg y6al3ny mn 6ory w y5aleeny m3a999999999ba! it's getting stuck in traffic..el'6hr! GOD I swear zeerany t6la3 lool ard elbait mmbawwwzah maareed wala bany 2adam yramsne, OR ELSE!!! .. =)

My courses this semester are pretty much easy w i like most of them, the one thing thatz haunting me is my CAPSTONE PROJECT! a7s it's not that big of a deal BUT jam3atna ely y5alona like it's a life or death thing lol ysawolna aflam hindeya! I study marketing and i cant find a good idea for research. I've done around 3 marketing plans for different businesses and this semester i'm working on another two -_-" so honeslty maaareed asawe ay shay related to that! I want something different n interesting bas 3ad sho? ma3rf!

SoOoO, duno etha t3rfon halshay or not, but we finally moved to "bait el3mr" =') haha ely 9arlna nbneeh for like four years, 6l3at roo7na w n7n ntraya haha el7mdllah! *sigh* I looove my new room I even told mom when I get married i'll move my bed n everything to my other house i dont wana let go =Pp anyways so the salfa is that I invited my friends over =D for the first time! and oh my god omy sho sawat xD i've met my friends three years ago yom d5alt eljam3a and she never met them mn gabl so she was like ten times more excited than I was haha she went shopping for the "3zeema" like three days before and she had a list and everything for what courses we'll serve haha 7asait ena that day was like mlchty or something LoL! she was so cute! w che ya3ny =P  we had wayed fun! I have the best friends in the world! thought Id show you pics of my new room and that day..

 M.S! aham shay elpinky bas xD *wink wink* chanha mal desperate housewives haha

 awna i'm trying to be a good hostess haha

kla food, I know =Pp 

  The best thing about 5leefa alf is that everybody lives here loOl everybody is your neighbour!

me wallpaperRr

latit7arony emo please LoL I just love the color black

omg before I forget, yesterday this salfa happened in uni... some girl stole my idea for one project n her excuse was that "ana 3indy arba3 3yal ma3ndy wagt afakkr of something new"...
I just can't comment any further :) but i want you to know that i did NOT just let it go.. lol
na2ah *snap*

I'm invited to a halloween party.. don't go all m6aw3ah on me! I just like dressing up -_-"
anyways, I have this reeeally cool outfit
next post inshallah ;P stay tuned!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

HelloO again ^^ mbarkn 3eedkm n kl 3am wnto b5aair! hope you all enjoyed ur time! better, cuz mabga shay 3aldwamaat xP *ouch* bacher bngool wara bacher dwam =') *sniff* not cool! I'm such a lazy bum! ba3adna mabdaina and i'm lookin forward 7ag ijazat el3eed el3od kekeke
about that, laish we call 3eed ela'67a el3eed el3od? .. I mean, 3eed elf6er is supposed to be "el3od" lol since it's after rm'6an n everything! oh well..
This year we skipped el3ain (that's where we always go on the second day of Eid) and headed to Dubai instead! n not for family visits n stuff, no! just shopping and 7wa6ah =D had lots of fun, spent all my money, and came back to bu'6abi loOl here are some snapiezZz:

Downtown Burj Khalifa (that's what they call it ya?) =$

had dinner at 3abdlwahab =9 Yummy kibba

then after dinner 6la3na nshoof the dancing fountain <333

it's soooo huuuuuge

I told my sis aba y3gony fln9 w atm arg9 m3a elmay LoL!
(okay,, that was weird xD when i first typed that, i wrote "yg6ony" lool ta2theer zwarat el5amees??)

a7b when i go to Dubai i act chany tourist =B haha ma5ale shay maa9awrah

next day, pink berry fe MOE..
(btw, I haaaaaate frozen rob >.< hayaila my sisters ymuton 3laih eeek)
I just eat the fruits on top loOl

Dubai Mall! where I met ShoOsh <3333 *hug*

Hamley's, Mirdiff City Centre
a5r mara srna landan I was like seven?! n this store is the only place i remember hehe my parents used to take us there doooom

I loved halshay =D

me n my sisters were exhausted mn kther el7wa6ah so we sat down n watched Snow White fe halcute place 3indhm mal elprincesses ^.^

w yom b'3aina n6la3 lzag feena hatha wya his magic tricks xD ewanis e9ara7a


- wa etha behi -

About zwarat 5amees.. V_V *sigh* I am totally NOT SATISFIED with el7al8a ela5eera.. n not beacause moza died </3 3ashan nothing bad happened to thnayyan and his bitch! =x excuse me! thnayyan and nadia** okay so he lost half of his "7alal" ppfffttt he's still rich!! e9ara7a lain aa5r la86a w i'm hoping ena teehm sha7na w tm7eehm mn elwjood! but nothing like that happened.. =/ elnas elzaineen hm ely 5sro at the end and tfargo! and nadyo w hathak lived happily ever after...*malat hand motion*

I want to go to the movies but, its this time of the year where all the movies flcenima suck lol maybe I'll go watch that egyptian one, noor 3ainy,, they say it's nice,, I dont wana spend my last days of ijaza at home! na-2ah!

oDaDa odada Oda Oda Da
oDa oda Da! Da!